Category Archives: Uncategorized

Grand Opening Saturday February 8th 5-7.

I’m excited to give you an update on my new addition, Studio 310. It is now ready and operating as a showcase and classroom. To celebrate, I’m hosting a grand opening on Saturday, February 8th, from 5-7 p.m., and I’d love for you to join us.

I will be offering classes in watercolor and drawing. Additionally, I’m pleased to announce that my next-door neighbor, Conor O’Brien, will be teaching an oil painting class. We are also looking for more instructors who specialize in different mediums to join us.

In addition to classes, I’ve started a weekly figure drawing group on Thursdays. This is not a formal class, just a gathering for drawing enthusiasts to come together and draw.

If you’d like to receive my newsletter, please subscribe using the link below:

You can now book my classes online:

Additionally, if you’re interested in receiving a weekly reminder about the figure drawing group, please email me at

Warm regards, 
Yuri Ozaki

Happy New Year!

As we approach another new year, I would like to extend my best wishes to you and your families for a happy, healthy, and pleasant 2025. Your continued support is invaluable and I look forward to creating more artworks to depict Huntsville and the surrounding areas and trees and leaves and other things. I have decided to expand my studio in 2025 to teach more classes as I am getting more interests from people. I am planning to offer classes by my incredibly talented studio neighbors as well. This is a big decision and commitment for me, and I hope my plan will flourish. If you are interested in taking my classes, please book your class at the link below. (This is very new to me and I am still learning so please let me know if you have any technical issues).



Monte Sano Art Festival

Hello! First, I would like to announce that I will be at the Monte Sano Art Festival this weekend, Saturday 21st 9-5, Sunday 22nd, 9-4. 

I will have many recent paintings of Huntsville. 

Some of you may already know that I was one of the 7 local artists to create art works for the new city hall building. They were unveiled May 21st. The creation of my painting consumed me in 2023 and I did not participate in Monte Sano Art Festival. The painting process took 7 months, and I spent the previous 4 months working on a test piece to get acclimated to acrylic painting on canvas. The finished piece is 5’4”x12’. Working on the large scale was a great experience and honor. Of course, it was a challenge. I struggled to achieve what I envisioned and spent many hours just staring at it. My goal was to record the history of 2022 when they started the construction of the new city hall building. I hope people in the future will enjoy pointing out old buildings and changes. You can view the in-progress images and my test piece on my website.

This year, I have been enjoying making small watercolor paintings. I am also enjoying backpacking which I missed in 2023. I am looking forward to more trips soon.

I continue to teach watercolor and drawing at the Huntsville Museum of Art. Teaching has taught me so much. It was nerve wracking at the beginning, but I have come a long way to finally enjoy sharing my knowledge. I still need to hone my communication skills and learning never ends.

I hope you are enjoying whatever you do, if it is painting, happy painting!



Happy Holidays!

Wishing you a Happy Holiday Season! 

I hope your 2023 has been a prosperous one. Mine flew by. I have been working on a big project and it is not completed yet. It has been a bit stressful but rewarding. Since I decided to concentrate on the project, I have not been doing other activities such as backpacking or my usual art works, but I recently reached a milestone and don’t feel as much stress. I started sketching in downtown again and it’s really been fun. The sketches will be uploaded to my website and some will be available at Harrison Brothers.  .

I am not sure what 2024 will bring, but I hope to fill it with new adventures, find new subjects to paint, and to live as well as can. 

Wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday season, and good fortune in the year to come. 

Yuri Ozaki

No Art Festivals 2023..


I hope everyone is doing well! I mainly wanted to tell you that I am not participating in Monte Sano Art Festival this year for the first time since 2008. I have been working on a 5’x12’ painting of an aerial view of downtown Huntsville. No need to say, this is the most ambitious project I have had, and I have decided to skip Monte Sano Art Festival along with other art festivals this year. Please make an appointment if you would like to see the progress. I do not do well with unexpected visitors when I am concentrating on painting. Also, an unexpected visit may ruin paints since acrylic paint dries extremely quickly. Lowe Mill is having Open Night on Saturday September 30th and you are welcome to visit my studio 1 pm-7pm.

Another piece of news is that I am teaching at Huntsville Museum of Art starting Thursday September 21st. For details, please click this link. I taught drawing portraits in charcoal and pencil in summer at the museum and it was well received, and I am teaching landscape and still-life in addition to portrait this time. Students can pick whichever subject/s they like and work at their own pace. All levels are welcome. My teaching method is mostly demonstrating how I draw and emphasizing the importance of how to see objects. Sample drawings are posted here. Students are welcome to bring their own subject, which can be an object or photos to draw.


Yuri Ozaki

Monte Sano Art Festival and A Tribute

Monte Sano Art Festival is coming up on September 12th and 13th! Under the current situation with COVID-19, some people may not want to attend the festival. So I currently have works available at my studio. Available works can be seen on my website. Please make an appointment if you would like to visit my studio. 

Recently, I had sad news that my cousin suddenly passed away after a long battle with lupus at the age of 43. She was only 6 months older than me, and left her 5-year-old boy. I made 43 collage works in tribute to her. One half of the sales will be donated to Lupus Foundation of America. The collage works are on my website. 

Stay safe and healthy! 

Yuri Ozaki

2019 Holiday Sale

At Studio Only

I have ongoing shows at Church Street Wine Shoppe (until November 30th!) and Huntsville Botanical Garden ( until the end of the year) , but I still have enough paintings to have a sale at my little studio now through December 21st! I marked down some of the older works by 75%. Also, I will mix some free paintings with not-free paintings in the print lack. First come, first serve! 

I will be out of town November 27th-30th. I may be out of town sporadically in December due to a family situation. My studio mate Joshua Fleming will fill in, but making an appointment is recommended. 

Upcomming Events

Greetings! I hope that everyone is doing well! 

I have an ongoing show at the Church Street Wine Shoppe and three upcoming art festivals and an upcoming show at the Huntsville Botanical Gardens. The Monte Sano Art Festival is this weekend!

Monte Sano Art Festival September 21, 22
Bluff Park Art Show (Hoover, AL) October 5th
Kentuck Art festival (Northport, AL) October 12, 13
Botanical Gardens mid-October-December
Church Street Wine Shoppe September-November (Reception is on October 24th 6-8 pm.)

I hope you can come to one or more of these events! 

Yuri Ozaki